If you have a Laptop computer you must look after it quite carefully to give it a chance to last for many years. Generally laptops are more sensitive than desktops in all respect and as a result of that it is more prone to break down than a desktop. If you follow the below mentioned tips you can easily run your laptop for many years to come.
Battery problems on laptops seem to be one of the common problems that happen to almost all laptops.. When the AC Adaptor plug is used the battery acts as a back up. But if you start using the battery this time the battery becomes hotter than usual. This leads to the shortage of your battery life. So at the very beginning you have to avoid such unintentional mistakes.
Sometimes when you are not using the laptop it is put into the bag leaving the battery on. This is nothing but wastage of battery back up and as a result of that the battery life becomes shorter than usual. So when possible always try and use the mains leads.
Turn off your laptop
It is better to run your laptop giving some breaks or intervals when you are not using it for hours. So at night, always remember to shut down you laptop.
Blocking the air vents
If the air vent gets blocked due to the misplacement of its base then the laptop may overheat. Try to clean air vents every 7 to10 days.
if the fans inside the laptop become out of order they lead to overheat and as a result of that the laptop may function abnormally.
Try and avoid harder surface under the laptop: Sometimes harder surfaces block the circulation of air and increase the heat generation rate.
Removing Accessories
Before packing the laptop you must remove all accessories (i.e. pen drive, usb mouse, keyboard etc.) plugged into it. Otherwise they can damage the usb port of your laptop.
Once of the most common problems for laptop problems are spillages. Beacause laptops have their keyboards straight above the processors, batteries ect, it so easy for even smallest amout of water to stop the interior parts may crash or fail to function.
Keep it away from children: You should keep your laptop away from children otherwise they may use it roughly and it may get damaged easily. It may also fall from their hands.
Laptop Bags
Use good quality bags for your laptop. Otherwise a minor collision can damage any part of it.
Keep your laptop free from virus: This is one of the crucial factors that can decide the future of your laptop. You can use antivirus to keep virus away from laptop computer. Sometimes trial versions of antivirus do not function as it is expected to be and as a result of that virus and unwanted files enter infiltrate into your laptop and put its life under sheer threat. You must turn on default firewall also. It functions something like antivirus and keeps your laptop computer safe.
Scan your laptop and remove virus regularly so that it can perform well year after year.
Robin F Jameson