There are many computer problems that stem from excessive heat. Overheating is one of the more common dilemmas that a computer user might face. Every good computer repair technician deals with these problems on a daily basis. High performance computer parts use a lot of energy, and this generates significant heat.
When you are facing the potential need for home PC repair, easy steps can help you narrow down possible causes of your problem. There are many minor heat issues that can be easily solved at home.
First of all, your computer hardware contains different sensors that can read the operating temperature of each part. There are several freeware programs that allow you to monitor these temperatures. It is advisable to select two different pieces of software to make certain that the program is correctly reading the temperatures. Once you have installed a temperature monitor, try running software that significantly taxes your system.
Before analyzing the temperatures, you will need to determine the safe operating range of your specific pieces of hardware. This can take some significant research. There will be individuals who overclock their computers. These users tend to have advanced knowledge about computer hardware. There are discussion forums where these types of computer users discuss safe operating temperatures of components. Since they are overworking these parts, they are in the habit of monitoring the temperatures. They also have practical experience with overheating parts for extended periods of time. The manufacturer's specs of each part will include the maximum safe operating temperature. However, these manuals can be esoteric and hard to read. You can acquire useful unofficial information from these users that experiment with overclocking.
Once you learn the safe temperatures of each hardware component, check these values against the maximum temperatures that your sensors are recording. If you are getting results in excess of the suggested safe range, then you are experiencing an overheating problem.
Overheating can sometimes be solved through fairly simple practices. Sometimes the thermal paste between the heat sink and processor will wear out. Replacing this material can solve some of your heat issues. A computer repair technician would be able to do this for you very easily. Thermal paste is inexpensive. For the fan of home PC repair, this is a fairly simple fix.
Additional fans can also be installed. This might reduce your temperatures. You also might be experiencing overheating due to the failure of a fan. Replacing a broken fan might solve this problem for you. If you are dealing with overheating problems on your desktop computer, these are fairly easy issues to deal with on your own. If you are experiencing heat issues on your laptop, you are probably going to need the help of a computer repair technician. Laptops have tiny parts, and that makes it very difficult to change thermal paste and fans. Laptop heat issues are probably not the type to tackle with home PC repair.
Many overheating problems will require the replacement of hardware. If you are experiencing hardware failure, you will probably need to employ the help of a computer repair technician. However, it does not hurt to attempt to bring the temperatures down using fans and thermal paste. Some temperature problems are minor. If you make a habit out of periodically monitoring your temperatures, you can be certain to catch these issues as soon as they occur.
If your hardware is overheating, contact Geek Choice. This nationwide computer service and repair company can tackle any problem that causes your machine to overheat. Call 1-800-GEEK HELP (433-5435) to speak to a customer service representative. A computer repair technician can solve your problem on-site. If your computer is overheating, act quickly before other parts are damaged.